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5 Things Your Dentist Never Puts in Their Mouth

January 13, 2022

Filed under: Uncategorized — dolfielddental @ 10:59 pm
person with dental emergency holding face in pain

We all grew up being told how important it is to brush twice and floss once every day. Having a good oral hygiene routine will help you maintain a healthy mouth and prevent oral health issues, but that’s not the only way to protect your smile. There are certain foods and objects that should be avoided to prevent damage to your pearly whites. To help you learn what things can damage your smile and create a dental emergency, read on for five things your dentist never puts in their mouth.

#1: Lemons

Some people enjoy sucking on a slice of lemon for a refreshing burst of sour juice. Though this habit may seem harmless, lemons are highly acidic and can damage your enamel. Weakened tooth enamel makes you more likely to develop tooth decay, so this should be avoided to keep your pearly whites strong.

#2: Ice Cubes

Much like with lemons, some people find chewing on a cup of ice cubes refreshing. Unfortunately, this can lead to chips, cracks, and fractures, which may warrant a visit to your emergency dentist. To avoid damage, drink an ice-cold beverage, eat a popsicle, or let the ice cubes slowly melt in your mouth instead.

#3: Fingernails

For 20 to 30% of Americans, nail-biting is a nervous habit that may be a sign of mental or emotional distress. Some people also bite their nails when they’re bored or hungry. This can harm your smile over time by causing premature tooth wear and cracks in the enamel. It may also introduce new germs and bacteria into your mouth, which may lead to issues like decay and gum disease. Chew on a piece of sugar-free gum instead and reach out to a trained professional if you’re struggling mentally or emotionally.

#4: Pens or Pencils

Some people chew on the tip of their pen or pencil while working on an assignment at school of their job. This can cause your teeth to break or chip and introduces bacteria and germs into your mouth. Much on a tooth-healthy snack like apple slices or carrot sticks instead to satisfy your urges.

#5: Hard Candy

Hard candy is meant to melt in your mouth. Chewing it up instead can result in damage to your oral health, including cracked or broken teeth and cuts inside your mouth. Hard candy also lingers in your mouth for a long time and gets stuck to your teeth easily, which exposes your pearly whites to cavity-causing sugar for an extended time. Switch to sugar-free candy and let it dissolve in your mouth to avoid damage.

Your dentist never puts these things in their mouth, so neither should you. By avoiding these harmful habits, you’ll be able to prevent a dental emergency and preserve your lovely, luminous smile!

About the Practice

Dolfield Dental of Owings Mills has a friendly, compassionate, and respectful team that can help you achieve your smile goals. They offer preventive, restorative, and cosmetic treatments as well as emergency dentistry when accidents arise. Dr. Jacob Milner and his team can also offer advice on foods and objects you should avoid putting in your mouth to lessen your chances of damage. Ready to make an appointment or have questions about how to avoid a dental emergency? Visit Dolfield Dental of Owings Mills’ website or call their office at (410) 902-4110 to get started on your smile journey.

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