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Seasonal Allergies and Dental Health

June 22, 2022

Filed under: Uncategorized — dolfielddental @ 5:45 pm
person suffering from seasonal allergies blowing nose

During the warmer spring and summer months, many people suffer from seasonal allergies. From a runny nose to congestion to itchy, watery eyes, there are several symptoms that come with this condition. These problems are frustrating enough on their own, but they can unfortunately also have a negative impact on your dental health. Read on to learn about the link between seasonal allergies and dental health as well as what you can do to keep your smile healthy during this time of the year.

Sinus Pressure & Toothaches

Have you ever experienced a toothache in conjunction with sinus pressure? These are called sinus toothaches and can be incredibly uncomfortable. Some of the sinuses are located close to the roots of your upper teeth. if your sinuses in this area become inflamed as a result of seasonal allergies, the increased pressure may result in a toothache.

Nasal Congestion & Cavities 

Nasal congestion includes a stuffy or runny nose and is one of the most common symptoms of seasonal allergies. When it’s difficult for people to breathe through their noses, they switch to breathing through their mouths. This leads to dry mouth, which occurs when you aren’t producing enough saliva and allows cavity-causing bacteria to accumulate and damage your tooth enamel.

Allergy Medication & Gum Disease

To relieve symptoms of seasonal allergies, some people take over-the-counter or prescribed decongestants or antihistamines. Though both tend to be effective at combating symptoms, they frequently lead to dry mouth. As previously mentioned, dry mouth allows bacteria to build up rapidly and wreak havoc on your smile. Some of these bacteria may also attack your gums and lead to an infection called periodontal disease. While this infection is easy enough to treat or even reverse at first, it can progress and lead to permanent jawbone damage and tooth loss if you wait too long to have it treated.

4 Tips for Keeping Your Smile Healthy During Allergy Season

Though avoiding seasonal allergies altogether is unlikely, there are several ways that you can prevent them from harming your oral health, including:

  • Drink lots of water – Staying hydrated throughout the day will lessen your risk of dry mouth.
  • Use fluoridated toothpaste – Fluoride helps strengthen your enamel so your teeth can fight back against cavity-causing bacteria.
  • Take care of your teeth – Use a soft-bristled toothbrush to clean your teeth for two minutes twice a day. Additionally, floss at least once per day, preferably before you go to bed.
  • Increase saliva production – You can do this by chewing sugar-free gum, sucking on sugar-free candy, or eating crisp, fresh fruits and veggies like apples, carrots, and celery.

As you can see, there are several ways that seasonal allergies and dental health are linked to one another. By being proactive with the above tips and visiting your dentist every six months, you can keep your smile healthy and bright!

About the Practice

At Dolfield Dental of Owings Mills, Drs. Jacob Milner and Cynthia Miller lead a team of talented, compassionate oral health professionals who take pride in helping you care for your pearly whites. If you’re currently dealing with a runny or congested nose, sneezing, or other symptoms, they can teach you about the link between seasonal allergies and dental health so you can make it through the next few months with your smile intact. To make an appointment with Dolfield Dental of Owings Mills or for more information, call (410) 902-4110 or visit their website.

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