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Cosmetic Cures: How Your Dentist Can Help You Look Younger

November 13, 2023

Filed under: Uncategorized — dolfielddental @ 10:00 pm
Woman with white hair smiling standing in front of a building outside

Your body experiences many physical transformations when you age that can impact how you feel about yourself. Your self-confidence can be severely impacted if you’re struggling with basic tasks that once were so simple or if you’re disappointed in your appearance. Fortunately, cosmetic dentistry has solutions that can help restore your sense of self. Keep reading to learn 3 ways aging impacts your smile and how your dentist can help!

#1: Movement in Your Mouth

Though you may tend to think of your teeth as solid, immovable objects they continue to shift well into your later adulthood. Even if yours were historically always straight, the ongoing tug of gravity results in changes to your face and jaw that can shift them one way or another. Not only that but years of continued, repetitive movements can put pressure on certain areas and push your pearly whites out of alignment.  

In the past, traditional braces would have been used to correct these problems but more recent advancements in materials and technology have led to a more discrete option. Invisalign can also realign your grin but without the hassle of bulky metal brackets. Instead, your dentist will fit you with clear aligner trays that snuggly cover your teeth and gently move them into their ideal placements.

#2: Yellowed Appearance

Many people associate dark or yellow teeth with aging, and with good reason. Over the years, you’ve consumed plenty of foods and beverages that stain and have left them looking drab. If you want to appear younger, a bright white smile is a great place to start.

There are several ways to whiten your teeth, but the safest option is with your dentist. Only they have access to professional-grade solutions that can lighten them by several shades without causing tooth sensitivity, all in one convenient visit to the office. If you find that you’re short on time, they may also offer take-home kits using the same top-quality ingredients with customized trays to fit over your teeth. That way you can get effective results that make you appear years younger, all from the comfort of your own home.

#3: Weaker Teeth

It’s well known that as you age your bones become weaker because your body doesn’t have the same levels of calcium and other nutrients to keep them strong. This applies to your teeth, as well! To add insult to injury, your pearly whites are also more worn down due to natural wear and tear. That makes them much more vulnerable to injury than they were in the past, so you’re more likely to have chips, cracks, and breaks in your grin.

Fortunately, your dentist can repair them with direct bonding. They’ll mold a putty-like resin material over your injured tooth to fill or reshape it, then harden it in place with a special light. The material comes in many shades and can be matched to your teeth for a seamless appearance. This convenient treatment usually only takes one visit and can last for decades if cared for properly.

There’s no reason to continue living with flaws in your teeth, especially if they make you feel unworthy. Your dentist can reverse the effects of aging and restore your beautiful smile to its original splendor!

About the Practice

At Dolfield Dental, two dental experts take pride in providing patient-centered care to help you reach your oral healthcare goals. They provide a full range of dental services all under one roof, including cosmetic dentistry. Using only the most effective techniques and modern technologies, you’re sure to get effective and durable results. The doctors want to work closely with you to understand what you’re looking for and explain the options so that you feel educated about, and confident in, your treatment plan. You’re welcome to request an appointment on the website or by calling (410) 390-0277.

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